Children's Health Council

The Children’s Health Council (CHC) Sand Hill School works with children who have dyslexia, other language-based learning differences, or attention and social challenges, and prepares them to transition back to a traditional classroom. 

A place where kids learn to love school again. We invite you to visit in person and experience Sand Hill’s Learning EDGE.

***Complimentary Parent Classes Now Available for Stanford West residents. Please click "Here" to view the schedule and brochure. 

Sand Hill School teaches bright children with dyslexia or other language-based learning differences, attention and social challenges and prepares them to transition back to a more typical classroom. Our students often come to us with a “learning disability” label, but at Sand Hill we prefer to use the term “learning difference” because we emphasize student strengths, promise and potential. We offer:

  • Personalized learning for K-6 students, expanding to K-8
  • Small, multiage classes with 6:1 student/teacher ratio
  • 51 students in all
  • Extraordinary master teachers
  • Integration of CHC Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Education Specialists
  • Head of School and Assistant Head of School who are experienced in best practices for learning-challenged students, school administration and teacher development
  • Director of Clinical Services is a licensed psychologist experienced in social emotional learning, and anxiousness about school. [ab-approach]
  • Reading, writing, math
  • Social emotional learning
  • Visual and performing arts
  • Science, history and social studies
  • Routines, structure and predictability
  • Transition support
  • Movement breaks
  • Kids love school again