Welcome to the
Sustainable Stanford Portal

Here, information about sustainability efforts across the Stanford campus meets individual action. Learn about what Stanford is doing to lead sustainability by example, and do your part as a campus citizen.

Sustainability is truly a core value at Stanford, evident in the breadth of progress and depth of participation,  highlighted in our Year in Review. 

2014-2015 Sustainability at Stanford: Year in Review

Stanford builds sustainability practices and innovation into every aspect of campus life, from operations and building to student life, teaching and research.
Aerial view of Stanford campus

Building Performance

Curious to see your building’s resource consumption? Find out more about the sustainability performance of 106 individual buildings on campus.

Explore the Map

Icon for a green building on Stanford's campus

Campus Sustainability Progress 2015

(Baseline year 2000)

Stanford Energy System Innovations (SESI)

Students: Make Sustainability Happen

Stanford students building a home

Take your interest in the environment to the next level: student groups, internships and other engagement opportunities await you!

Get in on the Action

Leadership in Action

AASHE marked its 10th anniversary as a national consortium inspiring and innovating the sustainability movement. 

Video highlights

Your Sustainable Stanford

water conscious students installing rain collection buckets

Discover ways that you can engage with sustainability initiatives on campus and take action! 


Be Cardinal Green

Evaluations and Awards