You are here: Home : Pilot Go Pass : Dynamic Cost Savings Calculator for Caltrain Go Pass Pilot Programs

Dynamic Cost Savings Calculator for Caltrain Go Pass Pilot Programs

Customize (click or drag) the links below to calculate your potential savings.
(Dynamic calculator courtesy of Forrest Collman)

Currently, I drivetake the trainwalk/bike to work.., but sometimes I take Caltrain to go places along the peninsula (Giants/Sharks/49ers, SF, San Jose, Airport).

Savings FactorClick or drag to adjustMonthly Cost Summary
I drive this many miles one way: miles 
My car gets this many miles per gallon: MPG 
Gas costs me this amount per gallon:$ 
I drive to work this many days per month on average: daysgas cost $
I purchase this type of permit to park on campus: ‘A’ permit‘C’ permitno permit $
Total currently spent on average driving to campus: $
If I purchase a Go Pass, it will cost me on average:  $15.83
I will need to drive this many miles to the train station: miles$
I will or will not purchase a Caltrain monthly parking pass: will not purchasewill purchase $
I will or will not give up my Stanford parking permit and sign up for Commute Club Clean Air Cash. willwill not$
So if I get a GO Pass and take the train, I will spend an average of this amount per month getting to campus: $
Total Average Monthly Savings $
Savings FactorClick or drag to adjustMonthly Cost Summary
I currently purchase this type of monthly pass 1 Zone2 Zone3 Zone$
If I purchase a Go Pass, it will cost me on average:  $15.83
Total Average Monthly Savings $
Plus, if I join or remain in the Commute Club, each month I can earn: $25
Savings FactorClick or drag to adjustMonthly Cost Summary
I take this many trips per month on average: trips 
Average round trip fare$total monthly Caltrain cost $
If I purchase a Go Pass, it will cost me on average:  $15.83
This means I'll save (or spend, if negative value) on average $

Check out these savings tables for the Pilot Go Pass Program

Go Pass savings table
  • Net gain to individuals enrolled in Commute Club
  • Savings from not purchasing a 2015-16 commuter parking permit
  • Net savings compared with purchasing a monthly Caltrain pass