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Take the Stanford Bike Safety Pledge

Whether you are a student, resident or a commuter, we want you to be safe whenever you bike. Take the Stanford Bike Safety Pledge today! Note: The contest to win a free Bike Safety Kit ended on Jan. 31 but you can still pledge.

The Stanford Bike Safety Pledge

As a bicyclist at Stanford, I pledge:

  • To follow the rules of the road under the California Vehicle Code that apply to bicyclists;
  • To wear a bike helmet for every ride, even short trips;
  • To respect the rights of all road users, including motorists and pedestrians, in an effort to promote safety and generate goodwill.
Pledge status

Please indicate whether or not you have pledged before:


Contact information (required)

I commit to the Bike Safety Pledge:

* = required

University staff/faculty/students: enter the number on your Stanford ID card.
Hospital employees: enter the ID number from your timecard or paycheck stub, not your badge number.
Distance you bike or plan to bike in an average day for your commute and/or around Stanford

Distance you bike or plan to bike in an average day for your commute and/or around Stanford



Bike tune-up and bike safety kit prize

Congratulations to Kaitlin Ching, the winner of the Bike Safety Kit!

The Stanford Bike Safety Kit includes a bike helmet and bike lights (front and rear) and full bike tune-up donated by the Campus Bike Shop.

Students wearing bicycle helmets