已封鎖 @realDonaldTrump

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  1. Just arrived in Cleveland, Ohio- join Governor and I now, LIVE via:

  2. Unbelievable crowd of supporters in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Thank you! Next stop - Cleveland, Ohio.

  3. In order to & create a new GOVERNMENT of, by, & for the PEOPLE, I need your VOTE! Go to - LET'S !

  4. Today I introduced my Contract with the American Voter - our economy will be STRONG & our people will be SAFE.

  5. Change has to come from outside our very broken system.

  6. Landing in Pennsylvania now. Great new poll this morning, thank you. Lets and ! TRUMP 42% CLINTON 40%

  7. ": Best way to pay Hillary back for what she did to is a DonaldTrump LANDSLIDE "

  8. The media refuses to talk about the three new national polls that have me in first place. Biggest crowds ever - watch what happens!

  9. Just returned from Pennsylvania where we will be bringing back their jobs. Amazing crowd. Will be going back tomorrow, to Gettysburg!

  10. Governor and I will be in Cleveland, Ohio tomorrow night at 7pm - join us! Tickets:

  11. Thank you to the great crowd of supporters in Newtown, Pennsylvania. Get out & VOTE on 11/8/16. Lets ! Watch:

  12. sending U.S. intelligence info. to Podesta’s hacked email is ‘unquestionably an OPSEC violation’

  13. WikiLeaks reveals Clinton camp’s work with ‘VERY friendly and malleable reporters’

  14. Donna Brazile Shreds Obama Economy - Acting DNC chair says 'people are more in despair about how things are'

  15. "{Crooked Hillary Clinton} created this mess, and she knows it."


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