Design and Pitch: Effective Scientific Posters and Poster Presentations (STEM)

February 9, 2016 -
5:00pm to 7:00pm
Hume Center #211

Workshop for Stanford graduate students only.  Please register for this workshop at

The research poster is one of the most common ways of presenting research in academic conferences across disciplines; however, research poster presenters often overlook the visual and oral components of research poster display and presentation.  The research poster workshop introduces students to visual and oral basics in displaying and communicating research through hands-on activities.  For this two-hour workshop, please come prepared with pencils to sketch some poster designs and to practice pitching your research projects to a range of audiences.  This workshop is designed to help students who have never delivered scientific research posters at an academic conference or who have experience but want to improve.

Event Sponsor: 
Hume Center for Writing and Speaking
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