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Negotiation Matters, Part II: Application Deadline

As noted in the description of Negotiation Matters, mastery of negotiation is a life skill in that we all negotiate every day with colleagues, bosses, domestic partners, friends, clients and many others. All classes are a dynamic mix of theory, demonstration, skills exercises and roleplay practice intended to increase your confidence and effectiveness in any negotiation you undertake.

Management Matters: Session 2

Management Matters is a comprehensive, three-session workshop focuses on simple principles and guidelines that, once learned, can make the process of managing others enjoyable and effective, and help you succeed in whatever career path you choose.

Session 2: Making Expectations Clear

Clear expectations are the basis for all effective management and, remarkably, are as crucial to managing “up” as to “down.” We will build on the first session to determine how to establish clear expectations with people of different styles and in different roles.


OpenXChange is a year-long, community-wide and community-driven initiative whose goal is to strengthen and unify Stanford through purposeful engagement around issues of national and global concern.


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