Wallenberg Hall at Stanford University

Wallenberg Hall is Stanford University's home for research in university-level classroom learning. Its Advanced Resource Classrooms are available for use by Stanford faculty to experiment with new ways of teaching and learning in their subject areas. Wallenberg Hall's staff of teachers and technologists works closely with faculty to create new activities and provide tools to support rich learning experiences.

Wallenberg Hall supports many other kinds of learning activities as well: workshops, group meetings, staff searches, national and international meetings and conferences for all parts of the extended Stanford community, both local and virtual, taking advantage of the tools and technologies supported here.

If you would like to hold an event at Wallenberg, please contact Stanford Conferences at 650-723-3126 or conferenceinquiries@lists.stanford.edu.

This site provides an overview of the activities in Wallenberg Hall, descriptions of the facility, case studies of how the rooms are used and case studies and interviews with faculty talking about their classroom experiences. We hope that this information will be of use to Stanford faculty, as well as teachers at all levels thinking about new classroom experiences for their students, as well as for students and their families.