Research in Wallenberg Hall

Findings from the Hallscil logo

Presentations, Papers and On-going research about teaching and learning in Wallenberg Hall.

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Projects in Wallenberg Hall



Learning in Informal and Formal Environments (LIFE) is funded by the National Science Foundation as a collaborative center with the University of Washington and SRI International. LIFE researchers are developing a multidisciplinary center on the science of learning.

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CAT2 Lab

The Cognition and Technology Lab at SCIL (formerly AAA Lab) studies understanding and the ways technology can facilitate its development.

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Learning Ecologies

The Learning Ecologies Program incorporates a number of studies examining how learning with technology occurs in children, and what factors, including the digital divide and gender differences, contribute to the greatest obstacles to advancement.

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An innovative, easy-to-use software tool for focusing attention on relevant parts of any video record, this SCIL developed innovation is opening new doors to the expanded use of video in education and entertainment.

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SCIL’s research program in e-Portfolios addresses in what context undergraduates most successfully use the electronic portfolio, and what tools or strategies might further their use in learning in and out of the classroom.

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Virtual Labs

Also a program under the umbrella of SUMMIT, the Virtual Labs Project is working to improve basic life sciences in undergraduate education by developing innovative web-based learning tutorials and training faculty how to successfully integrate these new tools into their curriculum.

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AIM e-Learning

AIM e-Learning is developing electronic teaching modules to bridge the educational gap between health policy makers who deliver immunization programs and the latest information on vaccines and procedures. A program of SUMMIT (Stanford University Medical Media and Information Technologies), it is one of two such projects housed in Wallenberg Hall.

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