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Watershed Academy

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Recent Additions

Archived webcast: "Ten Years of Watershed Assessment in CEAP: Insights and Lessons Learned" is now available!

The Watershed Academy is a focal point in EPA's Office of Water for providing training and information on implementing watershed approaches. The Academy's self-paced training modules and webcast seminars provide current information from national experts across a broad range of watershed topics.

Watershed Academy Web

Watershed Planning Image

Watershed Academy Web offers more than 50 self-paced training modules that provide a broad introduction to the watershed management field.

A Watershed Management Training Certificate is available to trainees who complete 15 modules and pass the module self-tests. More than 5,000 trainees have received certificates to date.

Webcast Seminars


EPA's Watershed Academy sponsors free Webcast seminars. Live webcasts are conducted by expert instructors on a range of watershed topics including low impact development, the Clean Water Act, watershed protection and planning, nutrient management, and much more. Participants can register to participate in a live webcast or view the presentations and listen to the streaming audio of archived webcasts.


The Watershed Academy houses several types of watershed-related publications.

Information Transfer Series documents are technical references that supplement our internet-based training courses.

The Watershed Academy

Water | Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds | Watershed Protection

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