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Water: Small Systems and Capacity Development

Small Public Water Systems and Capacity Development

Additional Small System Resources

Please visit these sites for more information on small water systems


This Web site is designed to help small system owners and operators, state and tribal agencies, technical assistance providers, and consumers learn more about helping small water systems provide safe drinking water and protect public health. Every state has a capacity development program to help small systems improve their finances, management, infrastructure, and operations.

What can I find on this website?

Basic Information

Introduction to small water systems in the United States, the importance of
community involvement in protecting public health, and the concept of capacity development.

Where You Live

Links to information for small systems specific to your state including local training opportunities.

State Guidance

Overview of the purpose and importance of capacity development initiatives,
and related resources for states and technical assistance providers.

Regulations 101

Tools and resources to assist with understanding and meeting the requirements of
EPA’s drinking water regulations.

Compliance Help

Comprehensive list of compliance options that small systems should consider,
and resources to guide assistance efforts.

Technical Help

Resources to help water systems understand the importance of monitoring and
maintaining their distribution systems and to provide support for routine
sampling and treatment technology decisions.

Management Help

Resources on developing and improving critical management functions,
such as system operation and maintenance, long-term planning, and rate-setting.

Financial Help

Links to organizations that provide free or low-cost financial support for all
aspects of water system operation and maintenance, and resources on developing
a rate structure and financial planning for infrastructure repair and replacement.


Access to all EPA 816 Series documents developed  to assist states and small systems in
understanding drinking water regulations and to help systems achieve compliance
and develop technical, managerial, and financial capacity.


Information on organizations and programs that provide free or low-cost technical
and financial assistance for small water systems.
Memorandum of Agreement between EPA and USDA:
Promoting Sustainable Rural Water and Wastewater Systems

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