Community Partnership Awards

Stanford's Office of Public Affairs initiated this program to honor the valuable partnerships that exist between Stanford and its neighbors, and to celebrate community efforts that successfully tackle real world problems and advance the public good. Award winners are selected based on their initiative, leadership, and involvement in projects that embody the spirit of genuine partnership and benefit the overall community. In each case, the projects have resulted in collaboration and better understanding between Stanford and communities of the Mid-Peninsula.

Congratulations to our 2015 Award Winners!


2015 Award Winners


Abilities United Employment Services Program

Stanford Residential & Dining Enterprises has a longstanding partnership with Abilities United, a non-profit organization in Palo Alto that supports children and adults with disabilities and champions a culture in which all members of society are included and appreciated for their distinctive contributions. Since 1999, Residential & Dining Enterprises has been committed to Abilities United’s Employment Services program. Currently, a small but dedicated group of individuals and their job coach are part of the Branner Dining and Manzanita Dining teams. Stanford Dining’s partnership with Abilities United provides a unique environment for students and staff to interact and recognize the value of an inclusive community and the distinctive contributions of all individuals.


Health Education for Life Program for Kids (HELP)

Created in 1992, HELP provides a health education program to Redwood City children to equip them with the knowledge, tools, and skills to make sound choices. Each year about 40 Stanford undergraduate and medical students work within schools in the Redwood City School district to integrate HELP curriculum that is science-based and activity-driven with a focus on maximum participation from the children. Stanford students present about 15 hours of health education material to each class and also serve as positive role models and mentors for the children.  This year alone, HELP has partnered with eight 6th grade classes, three 7th grade classes, and three 8th grade classes, reaching 400 students in total. 


Student Clinical Opportunities for Premedical Experience (SCOPE)

SCOPE is a Stanford student-run non-profit organization that places interns in the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Emergency Department (SCVMC).  SCVMC is a Level 1 trauma center, treating an often under-served and diverse patient population.  SCOPE students provide professionally trained interpreters and interns during weekends and overnight shifts.  Each year, 50-60 Stanford students commit to the program, and on average spend approximately 10-12 hours per week involved in SCOPE volunteer work. In 2014, SCOPE students contributed approximately 6,000 hours of service to the Emergency Department. 

2014 Award Winners

Raising Interest in Science and Engineering (RISE)

The RISE Summer Internship Program for High School Students ignites students' excitement about science and prepares them to pursue study in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) area after high school. RISE places low-income, historically under-represented high school students into paid summer internships within Stanford’s science and engineering research laboratories. The seven-week program gives students hands-on, lab-based research experiences with Stanford scientists at all levels—from undergraduates to faculty members. RISE provides mentoring during the subsequent school year, supporting students as they compete in science fairs, learn about the college application process and apply for financial aid. Since the program’s creation in 2006, Stanford has hosted students from 38 high schools in 147 RISE summer internships.

Special Needs Aquatic Program (SNAP)

SNAP enhances the lives of Bay Area children with special abilities and needs by providing much-needed alternative physical therapy and recreational services. Every Friday, Stanford students carpool to the YMCA to volunteer their time, teaching special-needs children to swim and play in the water. Programs address the physical, cognitive and psychosocial needs of each participant. In its nine-year history in Palo Alto, SNAP has enhanced the ties between Stanford and the Peninsula community, added meaning to the lives of students engaged in this unique service learning opportunity and served Bay Area families with special-needs children.

Roadway Safety Solutions Team (RSST)

In 2011, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and the Trauma Center at Stanford Hospital & Clinics joined together to address the increased number of bicyclist deaths and injuries on the area’s roadways in recent years. Since then, the working group has expanded to form the Roadway Safety Solutions Team and has engaged key stakeholders, coordinated efforts between different agencies and developed measurable solutions. RSST now is comprised of elected officials, public works staff, law enforcement leaders, health officials and community and business partners. RSST focuses on seven areas: intersections of concern and interagency connectivity, Safe Routes to Schools, share the road messaging, DMV efforts, diversion programs, law enforcement coordination and anti-harassment ordinances.


Government & Community Relations

Students and program administrators from Redwood High School accept the 2011 Stanford Community Partnership Award and commendations from local elected officials for the Redwood Environmental Academy of Leadership.

If you have any questions regarding the Community Partnership Awards, please contact Lucy Wicks at or 650-725-3339.