Fingate Buying and Paying > PCard Module > How To... > Verify PCard Transactions

How To:  Verify PCard Transactions

Before You Start

Staff responsible for verifying, editing, approving, or withdrawing charges made against department or individual Stanford issued Purchasing Cards will require PCard access.

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bullet iconStep 4 – Flag Transaction as Disputed (Yes or No)

Select Dispute "No"

Select Dispute "Yes" to Flag Original Charge as Disputed

Select Dispute "Yes" to Verify Credit against a Disputed Charge

bullet iconStep 5 – Complete the PCard Charge Account Information

Charge One PTA / Expenditure Type

Charge Multiple PTAs / Expenditure Types

bullet iconStep 6 – Complete the List of Approvers

If the approver has sufficient approval authority over the PTAE(s) charged, it is not necessary to add other approvers. The system will tell you if you have not listed the correct approvers.

Enter the Approver to the Transaction

Find an Approver by Name

Find All Approvers for a Project and Task

bullet iconStep 8 – Attach Backup Receipts to the PCard Transaction

There are two options for submitting receipts and backup documents. They can be uploaded from your computer and attached to the transaction or faxed in with the bar code.

Upload / Attach Receipts and/or Documents from Your Computer

Fax in Your Paper Receipts and/or Documents

  1. Backup documents submitted should be available to view after several minutes. If not, please wait until the following day to check before attempting to resubmit.
  2. You can upload or fax additional documents at a later date; access the transaction from your PCard Worklist and click on the appropriate link to either upload them from your desktop or reprint the bar code and fax them.


What's Next?

  • The transaction is routed for review and approval per the approval routing specified in Step 6 above. In a timely manner, the approver is responsible for reviewing and approving the transaction for:
    • accuracy of information;
    • correct account usage; and
    • adherence to Stanford policy.
  • After approval, the department's charge account (the PTAE verified in Step 4 above) is debited.
  • Stanford's Accounts Payable department pays the monthly consolidated bank invoice.
  • For transaction details, contact the bank at 1-800-316-6056.


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