International TV programs

Not only SCOLA service described in the previous post, there are other services (with or without the fee) for international TV and films.

The viki website can search the movies and films by languages and/or countries.  The hulu website allows you to search the international movies and films by genre.

viki website

viki website

hulu website

hulu website


There are also the issues and barriers associated with broadcasting the international TV programing.

There was the live event called “Language Lab Unleashed (LLU) Live #9: Int’l Television Programming & Language Centers” at Language Lab Unleashed website [].

It is the event in which 3 language lab directors (also some are language instructors) sharing the ideas of viewing and using the international TV.

Fundamentally, the most significant aspect of having such service is for instructors to figure out what they would like to do with this sort of content.  Depending on the needs, there may be some alternative option that they can seek out.

They have also emphasized that the technology is already there for us to stream the international programs but we have the regulation of the geographical location for some services.

Through the live session, they have talked about pros and cons between International TV service and purchasing films as well as what kind of device and services are currently available on the market.  These are some of the device and services mentioned in the event.

Roku is the digital streaming player that will send the programing to TV monitor through WiFi.

ROKU device

ROKU device

There are the services such as dishworld which has the contract with Roku device to connect to the service.


Again, the bottom line is the question of ‘how the instructors and students would like to use the content’.  Depending on the purpose of its use, some may be better off with purchasing the series of films.  Other may decide to go with subscribing the services such as SCOLA [previous blog post].


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