Veena Patel
Keya Teklu

Vice President
Shayna Blue

Financial Officer
Brenda Flores

Patsy Ramirez

Social Engagement Chair
Jennifer Pulido

Multicultural Chair
Jennifer Pulido

Jissella Duarte

Alumnae Relations
Keya Teklu

Publicity Chair
Brenda Flores

Sigma Theta Psi is a multicultural interest sorority brought to Stanford's campus on December 3, 2001 by the nine visionary founding sisters of the Delta Chapter. These ladies sought to open dialogue among communities and celebrate diversity in all of its forms. Sigma Theta Psi provides an outlet for cultural expression, a network of scholarly support, a chance to empower women as leaders, the opportunity to grow through service, and the unlimited and unconditional love from a new-found family. Sigma Theta Psi will continue to thrive and uphold the ideals of loyalty, honesty, respect, open-mindedness, and academic excellence.

Sigma Theta Psi Sorority, Incorporated Delta Chapter