VA Palo Alto
The TWC- Lab is located at the Hospital of Veterans Affairs in Palo Alto. Click here to get directions.

Lab News

12-10-15 Tony featured on TED's Year in Ideas

Tony's TED talk has reached 1,000,000 views and is featured in TED's Year in Ideas (starting at 1:07), highlighting the lab's work in one of the biggest scientific steps of 2015.

10-06-15 Tony receives a NIH Director's Pioneer Award

Tony received a NIH Director’s Pioneer Award to study mammalian rejuvenation and aging using bioorthogonal chemistry. The press release and project description can be found on the program website.

09-10-15 Liz receives a K99 award

Liz received an NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99) from the NINDS. Congratulations Liz!

08-04-15 Tony and Saul are featured in The Guardian

Tony and Saul talk in depth about the past and future of rejuvenation in a recent article in The Guardian. The article can be read here.

06-16-15 Tony speaks at TEDGlobalLondon
Tony talks at TEDGlobalLondon. View the presentation here.

Research Interests

Immune responses and adult neurogenesis - Neurons and glial cells are constantly produced in small numbers in the adult CNS. In response to injury or tumor growth these numbers can increase dramatically. We discovered that TGF-β1, which is known to limit cell proliferation, is a potent inhibitor of both gliogenesis and neurogenesis in the aging mouse brain. TGF-β1 may have similar effects after injury and limit the potentially beneficial actions of newly generated cells. Current studies in the lab focus on other innate immune molecules as regulators of neurogenesis.