The John A. Overdeck Professor
Professor of Statistics
Professor of Biomedical Data Science

Stanford University

Welcome to my home page. I have a joint appointment in the Department of Statistics at Stanford University, and the Division of Biostatistics of the Health, Research and Policy Department in the Stanford School of Medicine.

I have been on the faculty at Stanford since August, 1994. Before that I was a member of the technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, where I worked for 9 years. For more details, click on the link to my biography.

Statistical Learning MOOC (with Rob Tibshirani) offered for the third year. Starts January 12, 2016 and ends April 11, 2016. See link for details, and to sign up.

Computer-Age Statistical Inference book by Bradley Efron and Trevor Hastie (due early 2016)

Statistical Learning with Sparsity book published in May 2015.

Software page updated (5/01/2015)


Statistical Learning and Data Mining III

A two-day course taught by Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani
See the course webpage for details

 © copyright 2003 Trevor Hastie - All rights reserved.