Do you have the correct Visa stamp for getting a SLAC badge?

Users from foreign countries should follow this advice to obtain the correct stamp on their passport in order to obtain a SLAC badge. For more detailed information on SLAC access and visa documentation requirements, please refer to the following link.

Upon entering the US, travelers will present their passport to the Immigration Officer at the airport who may ask a few questions about the purpose of the travel or the traveler (such as school, employer, interest in local attractions). Focus on the business aspects; be concise and precise. Based on your answers, the officer will determine whether the purpose is business or tourist.

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to confirm that the officer indicates the purpose as business, “B-1” or "WB", before leaving the Customs area.  See pictures below for examples of passport stamps.

If the officer indicates a tourist purpose, “B-2" or "WT", point out the error and reiterate that you are visiting for a business activity (e.g., to participate in an experiment, receive training on specific techniques or instruments, etc.) and politely ask the officer to correct the record while you are in the Customs area. Visitors holding tourist status will have to travel to the Deferred Inspections Office in San Francisco to get their status corrected. It is much easier to confirm that the correct visa is issued while still with the Immigration Officer; ask to speak with a CBP supervisor if needed.

A SLAC badge CANNOT be issued to users with a “B-2” or “WT” stamp.

Passport Stamp Table

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