5-1-15                              BREAKING NEWS

Stanford Delays Decision, Wants to Keep Environmentally Harmful Dam

Joint Press Release from BSD and American Rivers HERE

“Poking a hole in an unneeded dam or letting it fill in with sediment are not viable solutions. These are ineffective Band-Aids that are unlikely to secure permits or attract funding support,” said Matt Stoecker of Beyond Searsville Dam. “The troubling thing is that recent studies have shown that dam removal, combined with identified off-stream floodwater detention ponds, can provide the greatest ecosystem benefit while also achieving elevated flood protection that is in line with their preferred orofice alternative.”

American Rivers names San Francisquito Creek

one of the nation’s Most Endangered Rivers;

Searsville Dam to Blame

Read the announcement here

TAKE ACTION: Tell Stanford to remove Searsville Dam

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2014: The Searsville Dam Countdown

The chance to remove Searsville Dam has never been closer at hand.  Searsville Dam and diversions block fish migration, degrade habitat and water quality, and regularly contribute to the dewatering of our creek.  These impacts cause significant ecological damage and endanger threatened steelhead trout and other native wildlife. 

After more than a decade of constant pressure and our urging, Stanford University has started a stakeholder process to determine the fate of their antiquated dam.  We are actively engaged in this process and serve on the Searsville Dam Advisory Group to Stanford.  Stanford plans to make a decision on the future of the dam within the year. All options are currently being studied, including dam removal and watershed restoration. Stanford’s consultant recently said removing the dam and replacing the lost storage at other existing facilities is feasible in a number of ways. With your financial support, we can capitalize on this unique moment, and together we can revive our degraded creek, welcome home annual runs of wild steelhead, ensure a reliable and upgraded water supply for Stanford, and safeguard local communities.

“We are committed to working collaboratively with Stanford and others to address the challenges of Searsville Dam in a manner that benefits endangered species, watershed health, and improves flood protection.”

Matt Stoecker, Director, Beyond Searsville Dam

“Sooner or later Searsville Dam must come down, and the whole San Francisquito Creek watershed can be treated as the ecological treasure that it is.”

Pete McCloskey, former U.S. Congressman, coauthor of the Endangered Species Act, San Francisquito Creek watershed resident and Stanford University School of Law 1953 alumnus. Beyond Searsville Dam Advisory Council.

“Stanford has one of the most important dam-removal and ecosystem-restoration opportunities in the country, and can position itself as a leader in environmental stewardship and make huge progress in achieving its stated goal of being a more sustainable campus. Stanford has got to clean up their own backyard before people will take their sustainability and environmental message seriously. You are what you do, not what you say.”

Yvon Chouinard, owner of Patagonia and Beyond Searsville Dam Advisory Council.

“What happens with Searsville Dam impacts all of us in the San Francisquito Creek watershed, from the mountains to the Bay and beyond. Stanford must collaborate with its neighbors on this dam issue to ensure community safety and watershed health.”

Danna Breen, long-time San Francisquito Creek resident and advocate.


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