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Welcome to a new way to access UCR statistics

The FBI has gathered crime statistics from law enforcement agencies across the nation that have voluntarily participated in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program since 1930. These data have been published each year, and since 1958, have been available in the publication Crime in the United States (CIUS). As a supplement to CIUS, the FBI, in cooperation with the Bureau of Justice Statistics, provides this site that allows users to build their own customized data tables.

The UCR Program collects statistics on violent crime (murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) and property crime (burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft). By congressional mandate, arson was added as the eighth Part I offense in 1979. Arson statistics are not available for access on this site. By using the table-building tool, users can specify offenses, locality (city, county, state), and year(s).

Note: In December 2011, the UCR Program changed its definition of rape. The rape definition change applies only to the traditional Summary Reporting System. In this table-building tool, rape statistics prior to 2013 have been reported according to the historical definitions, identified on the tool as "Legacy Rape". Starting in 2013, rape data may be reported under either the historical definition, known as "legacy rape" or the updated definition, referred to as "revised." See UCR Offense Definitions.

The table-building provides information within the following parameters:

national crime estimates from 1960 through the most recent year available
state crime estimates from 1960 through the most recent year available
city and county crime counts from 1985 through the most recent year available.

(Data are for law enforcement agencies serving city jurisdictions with populations of 10,000 or more and county agencies of 25,000 or more. Data may not be available for each jurisdiction for each year. See Methodology)
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