Building common ground for practical climate solutions

From the local to the global, C2ES is teaming up with policymakers, businesses, and other stakeholders to meet our critical climate and energy challenges.

About us

COP 23 Bonn

Read our comprehensive summary of the latest U.N. climate change talks

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Webinar: Flood Insurance and Climate Risks

Learn about the National Flood Insurance Program’s climate resilience challenges and opportunities.

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Business Environmental Leadership Council

Working with Fortune 500 companies to strengthen climate action.

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COP 23 Bonn

Read our comprehensive summary of the latest U.N. climate change talks


Flood Insurance and Climate Risks

Learn about the National Flood Insurance Program’s climate resilience challenges and opportunities.


Business Environmental Leadership Council

Working with Fortune 500 companies to strengthen climate action.


Policy Hub

Lasting climate solutions hinge on innovative policies at all levels – local, state, federal and international. Market-based approaches like carbon pricing are a cornerstone of practical, cost-effective climate policy.

Flood Insurance and Climate Risks
Blog Post
The US in Bonn: Beyond Political Theater
COP 23 Bonn

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Climate Solutions

Cutting carbon emissions takes smart policies, innovative technologies, business leadership, and simple steps to shrink our own carbon footprint. Other solutions focus on strengthening our climate resilience.

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Climate Basics

Here you'll find the basics on climate science, key energy and emissions trends, extreme weather, and other climate impacts. Students, teachers: check out the Climate Classroom.

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Our Work

C2ES is known worldwide as a thought leader and trusted convener on critical climate and energy challenges. Here is a sampling of our key initiatives:

Mayors/Business Alliance for a Sustainable Future

C2ES is working in partnership with The U.S. Conference of Mayors to strengthen climate cooperation between cities and businesses nationwide.


International Dialogue

We helped negotiators from key countries achieve the Paris Agreement, and are now working closely with them to ensure its success.


Climate Leadership Conference and Awards

C2ES cosponsors one of the nation’s premier events honoring and strengthening U.S. climate leadership.



C2ES regularly organizes events with top experts, policymakers and business leaders advancing the public debate on climate challenges and solutions. Check out past and upcoming events.

Upcoming Archived


For a closer look at the issues and our work, here’s a searchable collection of C2ES reports, briefs, maps, videos, speeches, articles, testimony and other public comments.

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