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Dan Savage: “You Have A Moral Responsibility To Be Out”

Sex columnist and author Dan Savage stops by George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight to talk about what he calls LGBT people's "moral responsibility" to be out.

He says that LGBT people must come out publicly with their sexuality in order to help those who are not out realize that they are not alone, and to make people aware that they likely have friends and family members who are gay.

He does make an exception in some cases: namely, for young people in risky circumstances. His message to everyone else? "Eat me." As usual, Dan doesn't mince words.

Dan's latest book is called American Savage: Insights, Slights, and Fights on Faith, Sex, Love, and Politics.

In this clip, Dan talks about...

The moral responsibility to come out

George Stroumboulopoulos: What is the accountability, if you are gay and in the closet maybe it's time for you to come out. Is there a responsibility for the gay community? I know the coming out thing is so personal but is there a bigger picture here?

Dan Savage: You have a responsibility to be out. You have a moral responsibility to be out. It means not being out is a moral failing but no one can compel you. If you don't want to be out you should own that as a moral failing. We all of us in our life are guilty of moral failings. It's not like because you have the moral failing you should be dragged out behind the barn and shot. But you have to own it, you have to eat it.

GS: But it's pretty heavy to hear that isn't it?

DS: It should be heavy, people are dying. People are murdered every day for being LGBT. And nothing lessens the chances of people being harmed for being LGBT then other people knowing people that are queer.