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Through the Lens: Securing America's Borders

Last week, President Obama signed H.R. 644, the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 – also known as the Customs Authorization Bill. 

This legislation is a major milestone for CBP, as it is the first reauthorization for our agency since it was created under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security in 2003.

U.S. Capitol Building

The Office of Congressional Affairs serves as the single point of contact within CBP for all communications between CBP and Congress. OCA is committed to addressing any question or concern Members of Congress or their staffs may have related to CBP’s complex mission.

Locate Port Information

CBP provides security and facilitation operations at 328 ports of entry throughout the country. Use this interactive map to find information specific to air, sea and land entries.

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U.S. Map for Ports of Entry