Upcoming Events

  • Holiday Luncheon -- Tuesday, Dec. 15th, 11:30am - 1:30pm Michael's at Shoreline, Mtn View - Click to see invitation

  • Pi/Pie Night -- a Potluck on Friday, March 11th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Click to see flyer

  • CCIS Annual Meeting -- May 9th


  • Picnic on the Oval -- June 1st,     5:00pm - 7:00pm


Volunteers Needed

  • English-in-Action
  • Hospitality


Tell me more about CCIS!  Click MemberServices@CCISStanfordU.org to connect with CCIS Member Services.







CCIS is a volunteer organization affiliated with the Bechtel International Center  (I - Center) at Stanford University.  


CCIS offers a gracious and helpful connection between Stanford Internationals and the community.



See the CCIS Timeline -
the first 60 years