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  • Red Team
    Red Team by Micah Zenko

    Zenko reveals the best practices, most common pitfalls, and most effective applications of these modern-day devil's advocates.

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CFR LIVE: A Conversation With Tim Kaine

December 14, 2015

CFR LIVE: A Conversation With Tim Kaine

Watch Virginia Senator Tim Kaine discuss U.S. policy options in the Middle East on Monday, December 14, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (ET).

Campaign 2016

Campaign 2016 is underway. Find out what the presidential candidates are saying about foreign policy.

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An initiative of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council of Councils connects leading foreign policy institutes from around the world. Learn more about the Council of Councils.

Prospects for Climate Success in Paris


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On This Day

  • "Welcome home." —Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, to Syrian refugees arriving in Canada

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  • December 11, 2001

    China joins the World Trade Organization.

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