News Details

Edgewood Plaza Project and EIR

Edgewood Plaza Final SEIR

Draft Supplemental EIR

Amendment to FEIR

Edgewood Plaza FEIR

Edgewood Plaza Project Draft EIR

EIR Appendix A NOP
EIR Appendix B NOP Responses
EIR Appendix C Initial Study

IS Appendix A Air Quality
IS Appendix B Tree Report
IS Appendix C Historic Arch, P&T
IS Appendix D Hist. Arch. Peer Review
IS Appendix E Hist. Arch. Memo P&T
IS Appendix F Hist. Arch. Memo C&C
IS Appendix G Geotechnical Report
IS Appendix H Greenhouse Gas
IS Appendix I Phase I 2080 Channing
IS Appendix J Phas I ESA West Parcel
IS Appendix K Phase II Subsurface Invest
IS Appendix L Flood Rate Map
IS Appendix M Noise Report Salter
IS Appendix N Noise Peer Review
IS Appendix O Transportation Impact Analysis

The City has recently received two Conditional Use Permit (CUP) applications. The first first CUP request, for a small commercial recreation use in Building 1 (2190 West Bayshore Road), was tentatively approved on July 2, 2014 and any request for hearing of this permit by the Planning and Transportation Commission must be received y July 16, 2014. The project planner is Russ Reich, The second CUP request, for a tutoring center proposed in  Building 2 (2180 West Bayshore) was received in June and now is under review, comments on this proposal may be emailed to the project planner, Christy Fong at No tenant has yet been identified for the adjacent site's office building (1101 Embacadero Road).

For additional information please contact the project planner Elena Lee at 650-617-3196.

Last Updated November 19, 2012