News Details

1845 El Camino Real

Date Submitted:  01/22/2013

File Number:  12PLN-00124

Project Type:  Architectural Review (AR)

Project Status:  Project under review by Planning

Project Description:  Request by The Hayes Group, on behalf of 1845 ECR LLC, for Major Architectural Review of a new 5,489 square foot three story mixed use commercial/residential condominium project. The project includes Design Enhancement Exception requests: to allow 20% (10 feet) of the building’s front wall aligned at the “build-to” line where 50% (25’-10”) is required, a commercial area of 0.06:1 (324 sq. ft.) where 0.5:1(859 sq. ft.) minimum ground floor commercial floor area ratio (FAR) is required, a site coverage of 52.2% (2,994 sq. ft.) where 50% (2,004 sq. ft.) is required, and a 16-foot entry driveway where 20-feet is required. Zone Districts: CN and RM-15. Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332.

City Contact:   Margaret Netto, 650-617-3100 ext 1132,

 Project Plans

Last Updated June 17, 2013