News Details

441 Page Mill Road

Date of Submittal: July 29, 2013   

Status: Under Planning Review

Project Description: 441 Page Mill Road [13PLN-00307]: Request by Stoecker and Northway Architects Inc. on behalf of Norm Schwab for Site and Design Review of a three-story, 35 foot tall, 35,521 sf mixed-use building replacing four single family residential homes on a 26,926 sf site, providing 91 parking spaces on-grade and one level below grade,  including three off-menu concessions requested pursuant to the State density bonus law, and requesting a Design Enhancement Exception for (a) a 7' setback form the front property line  (3' additional setback beyond the “build-to-line” ), and (b) a three foot encroachment inot the 10 foot landscape buffer area at the rear of the site. .  Zone District: Commercial Service (CS) with a Site and Design (D) combining district.  Environmental Assessment:  An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration were prepared and published on November 8, 2013, for the initial 30 day public review and comment period that ended December 9, 2013.  The Planning and Transportation Commission  and ARB recommended approval of the project. This item will return to City Council on June 15, 2015.

Contact: Russ Reich 650-617-3119 or

Project Plans rev 05/21/15 
Revised Traffic Study (05/21/15)
Revised Project Request Letter (05/21/15)

Last Updated January 27, 2014