News Details

Churchill Avenue Multi-Modal Improvements

Presentation from October 2015 Community Meeting, includes new concept plans

Last meeting: October 22, 2015 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Paly High School, 50 Embarcadero Road

Churchill Avenue Castilleja/Paly driveway El Camino Real
Churchill Avenue Bryant Street Castilleja/Paly driveway
Cowper Street Churchill Avenue Cowper Street
El Camino Real Miramonte Avenue Churchill Mall (Stanford)

Improvements for safe cycling, walking, and driving are planned for your street or one near you. Please take a look at project plans shared at October 22, 2015 community meeting. We welcome your feedback.

Project Information

The Phase 1 Churchill project aims to improve safety for all users. Proposed improvements include:

  1. Extension of the multi-use path to El Camino Real and Perimeter Trail
  2. Addition of a new westbound right turn lane
  3. El Camino Real signal improvements, new crosswalk on the north leg
  4. Raised speed tables and crosswalks at Castilleja Ave and Madrono Ave
  5. Lighting improvements and a new rapid flashing beacon

The City has initiated a Phase 2 Churchill project focused on obtaining quick community consensus for improvements to the Churchill at-grade crossing of Caltrain and Alma Street. Safety issues at this crossing include (1) high bicycle and pedestrian traffic and (2) regular vehicle queuing on the tracks due to short storage space. Concepts proposed include widening/realigning the crossing for bicycles and pedestrians; installation of a pre-signal due to the queuing concerns; installation of bicycle signal heads at Alma and Churchill intersection (see the graphic below); replacement of the crossing surface with concrete; and new lighting. The City is also studying implementation of a protected bikeway, or cycle track, on Churchill Avenue from Alma Street to Bryant Street. See presentation for more details.

Following Caltrain concept planning, the city will advance planning for a safe route on Churchill Ave to the Bryant St bicycle boulevard. Also, to improve the Coleridge Avenue school commute route, the City is evaluating the addition of a 4-way stop at Coleridge Ave and Cowper St. The City is also evaluating conversion of the 4-way stop at Churchill Ave and Cowper St to a 2-way stop with Churchill stopping. The October 22 meeting provided updates and gathered feedback on both the Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects.

Project Timeline

Phase 1: Final design winter 2015
               Construction 2016-2017, will be phased to meet 
                school needs
Phase 2: Concept planning winter 2015
                Design starts early 2016

Project Manager
Sarah Syed, Transportation

Project Website

Project Background:
January 20, 2015 Churchill Avenue Enhanced Bikeway Concept Plan Approval

Last Updated October 1, 2015