Selected Research and Writings of Aviv Nevo

Featured Experts

Featured Experts

René M. Stulz

Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking and Monetary Economics,
Director, Dice Center for Research in Financial Economics,
Fisher College of Business,
The Ohio State University

René Stulz is a leading finance expert, whose work focuses on corporate finance, risk management, derivatives, securities, financial institutions, and valuation. Professor Stulz has provided expert testimony in U.S. federal and state courts, U.S. and international arbitrations, the London High Court of Justice, and the Federal Court of Australia.

René Stulz’s findings have provided the foundation for favorable rulings in motion practice and on damages. His expert testimony played a key role in class certification and summary judgment in a number of high-profile matters, including In re BP p.l.c. Securities Litigation and In re Moody’s Corporation Securities Litigation.

He has testified in many securities class actions, as well as matters related to mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), bankruptcy, derivatives, cross-border transactions, alleged state discriminatory practices against investors, hedge fund and pension fund management, fixed-income securities, insurance contracts, taxes, and breach of contract allegations.

Professor Stulz was president of the American Finance Association, edited the Journal of Finance, and co-edited the Journal of Financial Economics. He wrote the textbook Risk Management and Derivatives, has edited several books, and has published more than one hundred papers in finance and economics journals. The Journal of Applied Corporate Finance dedicated its winter 2022 issue to Professor Stulz’s research, republishing his notable articles on globalization, corporate finance, and risk management.

Thomson Reuters includes Professor Stulz in its list of the world’s most influential scientific minds. He is one of the most highly cited scholars in financial economics. Who’s Who Legal has recognized Professor Stulz as a leading expert witness in legal arbitration and a Global Leader in assessing the quantum of damages in the financial advisory and valuation field.

Professor Stulz is a bank director and a trustee of the Global Association of Risk Professionals. He has consulted for the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and various corporations and law firms. Professor Stulz is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute. At the NBER, he directs the research group on the risks of financial institutions.

Featured Experts

Pradeep K. Chintagunta

Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service
Professor of Marketing,
University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Pradeep K. Chintagunta is an expert on pharmaceutical markets, technology products, and consumer packaged goods. Professor Chintagunta’s earlier work used scanner panel data to analyze how firms’ marketing activities affect household purchase behavior. He has also researched the impact of information on drug adoption and diffusion, physicians’ prescribing behavior, and the different ways in which medical practitioners respond to marketing activities.

Professor Chintagunta has received multiple awards for excellence for his teaching and was named one of the Booth School of Business’s top professors by Businessweek. In addition to his faculty appointment at the University of Chicago, he has held positions as the Thomas Henry Carroll-Ford Foundation Visiting Professor of Marketing at Harvard Business School, as an associate professor at the Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, and as a distinguished visiting scholar at Stanford University.

Professor Chintagunta is on the advisory editorial board of Marketing Science, and is the coordinating editor of Quantitative Marketing and Economics. He has authored or coauthored more than one hundred scholarly papers on marketing, and his research has appeared in numerous publications, including the Journal of Marketing ResearchMarketing ScienceManagement Science, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, and the Journal of Econometrics.

Featured Experts

Drew D. Pascarella

Senior Lecturer,
SC Johnson College of Business,
Cornell University

Drew Pascarella is an expert in merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions, including deal process and valuation. A former senior investment banker with extensive experience at bulge bracket banks, Mr. Pascarella has advised clients on M&A transactions valued at over $35 billion, and led equity, convertible, and debt financing transactions that generated over $9 billion in proceeds. Mr. Pascarella has extensive expertise with transactions in the technology and telecommunications industries, among others. He has been retained as an expert witness and testified in deposition and at trial.

As a director in the Technology Investment Banking Group at Citigroup Global Markets, Mr. Pascarella led the execution of numerous notable transactions. These included the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks, the largest joint venture in corporate history; Nokia’s $8.1 billion acquisition of NAVTEQ and associated €1.8 billion debt initial public offering (IPO); Andrew Corporation’s $2.6 billion sale to CommScope; and Lucent’s $1.6 billion convertible bond offering.

Prior to joining Citigroup, Mr. Pascarella led the design, development, implementation, and support of Goldman Sachs’s global trading technology systems, with a focus on fixed income, equities, FX, commodities, and external hedge fund clients. In addition, he has extensive expertise trading futures for agriculture, currencies, energy, and financial indices.

An award-winning lecturer at Cornell’s SC Johnson College of Business, Mr. Pascarella teaches courses on investment banking, with a focus on M&A, capital raising, and corporate finance. He directs the Investment Banking Immersion, a practitioner-led program for students seeking careers in banking, and is the former associate dean of MBA Programs. Mr. Pascarella also founded SC Johnson’s M.B.A. Fintech Intensive, which provides in-depth instruction on blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and the role of technology applications in financial services.

Mr. Pascarella serves as managing director and head of East Coast Banking of Vista Point Advisors, which provides strategic M&A and capital-raising guidance to software and internet businesses.

Featured Experts

Natalie Mizik

Professor of Marketing,
J. Gary Shansby Endowed Chair in Marketing Strategy,
Foster School of Business,
University of Washington

Natalie Mizik is an expert in marketing strategy. She specializes in developing methods for assessing the effect of marketing activities on firms’ financial performance, and in valuing brands and other intangible marketing assets. She has also conducted research on factors that impact physician prescribing behavior, including marketing activities.

Professor Mizik is an experienced expert witness with class certification and deposition testimony expertise. As an expert witness, she has analyzed marketing data, conducted consumer surveys, and rebutted conjoint analysis. She has opined on issues related to pharmaceutical marketing, brands and branding, and valuation of personal data.

In a product misrepresentation consumer class action, Johannessohn et al. v. Polaris Industries Inc., Professor Mizik demonstrated methodological errors in the plaintiffs’ conjoint survey. She served as an expert for a regional healthcare provider in a data privacy consumer class action, rebutting plaintiffs’ damages methodology and opining on class certification issues. Professor Mizik has also served as an expert for pharmaceutical companies in intellectual property rights disputes, breach of contract, and false claims disputes.

In her research, Professor Mizik collects and analyzes primary data, such as consumer surveys, as well as secondary data, such as sales and stock prices. Her methodological expertise covers statistics, econometrics, conjoint analysis, and consumer surveys.

Professor Mizik publishes in leading academic journals, and serves as the editor-in-chief for Marketing Letters and is on the editorial board of Marketing Science. She is a coeditor of the book Handbook of Marketing Analytics: Methods with Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support. She has served as a member of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and as an officer of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science.

Professor Mizik has received numerous research and teaching awards. Notable among these are the AMA’s Distinguished Service Award, the Erin Anderson Award for an Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor, and the Varadarajan Award for Early Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy. She has twice received the Marketing Science Institute’s Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award, which honors research that makes a significant contribution to marketing practice and thought. In addition, Professor Mizik has been recognized multiple times for teaching excellence in the MBA, Executive MBA, and Technology Management MBA programs at both the Foster School of Business and Columbia Business School.

Prior to joining the University of Washington, Professor Mizik served as a faculty member at the Columbia Business School and the Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and as a visiting associate professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

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Economic Evidence in Recent Competition Class Actions in the UK

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