By Daniela Doyle, Christen Holly, and Bryan C. Hassel (Public Impact) Foreword by Amber M. Northern and Michael J. Petrilli Tweet...
Report by Dara Zeehandelaar and David Griffith, with Joanna Smith, Michael Thier, Ross Anderson, Christine Pitts & Hovanes...
It’s difficult to get your arms around the idea of suspending a three- or four-year-old from preschool. For most of us (if we’re...
Sandi Jacobs
Upon the release of our first comprehensive Yearbook that included state grades in 2009, the headline read: “Taken as a whole,...
We’ve learned a few lessons about school choice over the past few decades. Key among those lessons are that quantity does not...
Victory is inevitable. That’s my biggest takeaway from Fordham’s new report on America’s best and worst cities for school choice...
Our friend and colleague Mike Petrilli is right about many things, but he’s wrong to dismiss solid interstate comparisons of...
Nancy Brynelson, Corley Dennison, Daniel Doerger, Jacqueline E. King, William Moore, and Faith Muirhead
As states have implemented college and career readiness standards, it has sometimes been assumed that most of the work and...
There’s something about the sight of an abandoned school that tears at your heart. Far more than the caved-in factories, theaters...
The dominant narrative about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is that it shifts authority over schools back to state...
Laura Overdeck
We’ve seen a lot of hand wringing over math achievement in this country. Our students continue to underperform against their...
Like many, I’m convinced that what happens inside the classroom—curriculum and instruction—has as much of an impact (if not more...
Aided by a highly misleading New York Times article , the anti-Common Core crowd is pushing the narrative that Massachusetts’s...
Earlier this year, when it looked like ESEA finally had a chance of being reauthorized, I came up with a graphic for assessing...
Robin J. Lake
In refusing to reconsider its September ruling that public charter schools are unconstitutional and not entitled to receive...
The ESEA reauthorization conferees delivered some good news for America’s high-achieving students last week. Absent further...
If every school in America was pretty good—if not better—our education policy debates would largely evaporate. Politicians would...
As first reported by Alyson Klein at Education Week ’s Politics K–12 blog, Capitol Hill staff reached an agreement last week on...
Gary Kaplan
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education wisely decided this week to tack between the Scylla of MCAS and the...
The Achilles’ heel of the West, I read not long ago , is that many people struggle to find spiritual meaning in our secular,...
Editor's note: Politics K-12 reports that House and Senate negotiators have reached a preliminary compromise on reauthorization...
John Chubb was not only a fine scholar, tireless education reformer, and creative innovator. He was also my friend and colleague...
Last week, at NAGC's splendid 62nd Annual Covention and Exhibiton, NAGC's executive director René Islas interviewed us about our...
Ever since the birth of the modern reform movement, the GOP has faced a dilemma on federal education policy: Should it focus on...
Any baseball team finding itself down 3-0 in a seven-game series points to the 2004 Boston Red Sox. Despite the longest of odds—...
Editor's note: This post is the final entry of a three-part series on Race to the Top's legacy and the federal role in education...