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About EPA

About the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR)

What We Do

The Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) develops national programs, policies, and regulations for controlling air pollution and radiation exposure. OAR is concerned with:

  • pollution prevention and energy efficiency,
  • indoor and outdoor air quality,
  • industrial air pollution,
  • pollution from vehicles and engines,
  • radon,
  • acid rain,
  • stratospheric ozone depletion,
  • climate change, and
  • radiation protection.

OAR is responsible for administering the Clean Air Act, the Atomic Energy Act, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act, and other applicable environmental laws.

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Janet McCabe, Acting Assistant Administrator

Joseph Goffman, Associate Assistant Administrator & Senior Counsel

  • Phone: (202) 564-7400

Elizabeth Shaw, Deputy Assistant Administrator

  • Phone: (202) 564-7400

William Niebling, Senior Advisor for Congressional and International Affairs

  • Phone: (202) 564-9616

Deborah Jordan, Senior Policy Advisor

  • Phone: (202) 564-7400

The Office of Air and Radiation includes:

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Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)

What We Do

OAQPS’s primary mission is to preserve and improve air quality in the United States. To accomplish this, OAQPS:

  • compiles and reviews air pollution data,
  • develops regulations to limit and reduce air pollution,
  • assists states and local agencies with monitoring and controlling air pollution,
  • makes information about air pollution available to the public, and
  • reports to Congress the status of air pollution and the progress made in reducing it.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards

Mail code: C404-04 | EPA mailing addresses
Location: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

OAQPS Organization

Steve Page, Director

  • Phone: 919-541-5616

Bill Harnett, Associate Director for Program Integration and International Air Quality Issues

  • Phone: 919-541-5616

Mike Koerber, Associate Director for Policy

  • Phone: 919-541-5616

OAQPS includes:

  • Air Quality Assessment Division
    Richard Wayland, Director
    • Phone: 919-541-5455
  • Air Quality Policy Division
    Anna Marie Wood, Director
    • Phone: 919-541-5676
  • Health and Environmental Impacts Division
    Erika Sasser, Director
    • Phone: 919-541-3889
  • Outreach and Information Division
    Gregory Green, Director
    • Phone: 919-541-2808
  • Sector Policies and Programs Division
    Peter Tsirigotis, Director
    • Phone: 919-541-5536

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Office of Atmospheric Programs (OAP)

What We Do

OAP protects the ozone layer, addresses climate change, and improves regional air quality. It runs market based programs such as the Acid Rain Program and public/private partnership programs such as ENERGY STAR.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Atmospheric Programs

Mail code: 6201A | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

OAP Organization

Sarah Dunham, Director

  • Phone: (202) 343-9140

OAP includes:

  • Clean Air Markets Division
    Reid Harvey, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 343-9429
  • Stratospheric Protection Division
    Drusilla Hufford, Director
    • Phone: (202) 343-9410
  • Climate Change Division
    Paul Gunning, Director
    • Phone: (202) 343-9876
  • Climate Protection Partnerships Division
    Jean Lupinacci, Acting Director
    • Phone: (202) 343-9137

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Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ)

What We Do

OTAQ’s mission is to  protect human health and the environment by reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from mobile sources and the fuels that power them, advancing clean fuels and technology, and encouraging business practices and travel choices that minimize emissions. OTAQ’s programs address emissions from the range of mobile sources:  cars and light trucks, large trucks and buses, farm and construction equipment, lawn and garden equipment, marine engines, aircraft, and locomotives.

OTAQ primary activities include:

  • Assessing mobile source-related air quality problems and developing sophisticated modeling tools to develop solutions, measure results, and support emission inventories.
  • Establishing national standards to reduce emissions from on-road and nonroad mobile sources of pollution.
  • Implementing national mobile source standards through certification processes and in-use monitoring strategies.
  • Developing fuel efficiency programs and technologies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from the transportation sector.
  • Researching, evaluating, and developing advanced technologies for controlling emissions, as well as developing new strategies for improving fuel efficiency.

OTAQ's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory provides OTAQ with emissions testing services in support of rulemakings, certification, enforcement actions, and test procedures development.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Transportation and Air Quality 

Mail code: 6401A | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C.

OTAQ Organization

Christopher Grundler, Director

  • Phone: (202) 564-1682

OTAQ includes:

  • Assessment and Standards Division
    Bill Charmley, Director
    • Phone: (734) 214-4466
  • Compliance Division
    Byron Bunker, Director
    • Phone: (734) 214-4155
  • Testing and Advanced Technology Division
    David Haugen, Director
    • Phone: (734) 214-4366
  • Transportation and Climate Division
    Karl Simon, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 564-7918

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Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA)

What We Do

ORIA’s mission is to protect the public and the environment from the risks of radiation and indoor air pollution. The office coordinates across the Agency and with other federal, state, tribal, and non-governmental organizations to carry out its mission. ORIA develops criteria, standards, guidance, policies, and programs to limit unnecessary radiation exposure and control exposure to indoor air pollutants.  The Office:

  • provides technical assistance to states and tribes through EPA's Regional offices, and to other national and international organizations having radiation and indoor air protection programs;
  • directs an environmental radiation monitoring program;
  • responds to radiological emergencies; and
  • evaluates and assesses the overall risk and impact of radiation and indoor air pollution.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air

Mail code: 6608T | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C.

ORIA Organization

Mike Flynn, Director  

  • Phone: (202) 343-9320

The Office of Radiation and Indoor Air includes:

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