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About EPA

Shawn M. Garvin, Administrator for EPA's Mid-Atlantic Region (Region 3)

Shawn M. Garvin
Shawn M. Garvin

Shawn M. Garvin was named Regional Administrator of EPA Region III on November 5, 2009.  EPA Region III includes the states of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.  Shawn's career in intergovernmental affairs spans more than 20 years at the federal and local levels. Prior to being named RA, Shawn most recently served as the Senior State and Congressional Liaison for EPA Region III.  In addition to his work at EPA, Shawn served as an aide to then Senator Joe Biden, D-Del., and worked on the staff of former New Castle County (Del.) Executive Dennis Greenhouse.  Shawn is a native Delawarean and graduate of the University of Delaware. He lives in Wilmington with his wife and their son.