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Brownfields Program Accomplishments and Benefits

EPA's Brownfields Program continually measures progress and reports results in order to track the Program's performance. This page contains information about Brownfields accomplishments both through the history of the program and over specific periods of performance. The accomplishments in the following table result from several types of brownfields grants, including assessment, cleanup, Revolving Loan Fund, and State and Tribal grants.

Summary of Brownfields Program Accomplishment as of September 1, 2015
Performance Measures FY 2015 Targets FY 2015 Accomplishments Cumulative Accomplishments
Properties Assessed 1,300 1,294 24,511
Jobs Leveraged* 5,000 11,182 116,963
Dollars Leveraged** $1.1B $1.71B $24.2
ACRES Made Ready for Anticipated Reuse 4,000 7,777.94 56,442

*September 1, 2015 

The EPA Brownfields Programs Produces Widespread Environmental and Economic Benefits

EPA’s Brownfields Program empowers states, communities, and other stakeholders to work together to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields. Revitalizing brownfield sites creates benefits throughout the community.

Through fiscal year 2013, on average, $17.79 was leveraged for each EPA Brownfields dollar and 7.3 jobs leveraged per $100,000 of EPA Brownfields funds expended on Assessment, Cleanup, and Revolving Loan Fund cooperative agreements.

Brownfields sites tend to have greater location efficiency than alternative development scenarios. Results of five pilot studies show a 32 to 57 percent reduction in vehicle miles traveled when development occurred at a brownfield site rather than a greenfield. Fewer vehicle miles traveled means a reduction in pollution emissions including greenhouse gases. These same site comparisons show an estimated 47 to 62 percent reduction of stormwater runoff for brownfield site development.

Another EPA study found that residential property values increased by 5.1–12.8% percent once a nearby brownfield was assessed or cleaned up. The study determined that brownfield clean up can increase overall property values within a one-mile radius by $0.5 to $1.5 million. Initial anecdotal surveys indicate a reduction in crime in recently revitalized brownfield areas.

Opportunity to expand the assessment program and leverage funds and jobs has increased. Policy clarification allows the use of site assessment dollars for environmental assessments in conjunction with efforts to promote area-wide planning around brownfield sites. The use of funds for these purposes is particularly important in economically distressed areas. In certain instances where assessments reveal immediate threats to the environment or human health, EPA could implement a more programmatic use of removal funds.

Urban Oaks Organic Farm, New Britain, CT
Urban Oaks Organic Farm, New Britain, CT

Brownfields Program Accomplishments as of June 2013 Including State and Tribal Program:

  • Properties Assessed: 21,764
  • Acres Made Ready for Reuse: 44,822
  • Dollars Leveraged: $21.3B
  • Jobs Leveraged: 97,500

Accomplishment Report by State and Tribal Response Program Using CERCLA Section 128(a) Funding, Since FY 2006:

  • Enrolled over 40,400 properties annually (on average)
  • Completed more than 99,450 cleanups
  • Made over 900,000 acres ready for reuse