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Summer Intern Honors Program in EPA's Dallas Office (Region 6)

Under this program, EPA Region 6 will select students to work as interns in an intensive training program that will expose them to demanding front-line environmental enforcement (civil and criminal) or counseling work.

What do interns hired under this program do?

If accepted, you can expect to:

  • work on both substantive and procedural matters involving almost every EPA program (e.g., Superfund, RCRA, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, etc.),
  • attend strategy meetings with agency clients and negotiations with the regulated community in enforcement and other cases,
  • receive formal briefings from agency expert attorneys on current front burner issues, and
  • participate in local environmental bar educational and social sessions.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for an internship with Region 6's Office of Regional Counsel, you must be a current law student (or LLM student), rather than a law school graduate.

You must meet the requirements of section 3(b) and 8(e)-(g) of the EPA Order 3100.4B.

What is the typical length of employment?

The program typically runs from late May to early August each summer. We understand that you may be available only during part of the summer and will try to accommodate your availability.

Where would I work?

You would work in EPA's office in Dallas.

Are the positions paid? What are the benefits?

Our office is not able to provide financial compensation. You might be able to find stipends or grants from outside sources or obtain course credits from your law school. Interns are considered unpaid volunteers rather than federal employees. You would therefore not receive federal employee benefits, although you would be entitled to claims under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act and the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Although Region 6 encourages applicants from across the nation, we cannot provide travel expenses.

How and when do I apply?

Selections will be made on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Applications must be emailed, postmarked or faxed by February 15.

In order to be considered for the program, you should submit:

  • a cover letter,
  • resume,
  • writing sample,
  • sponsorship letter from your law school, stating your eligibility and explains the relevance of the Summer Honors Intern Program to your educational goals (see the model letter below), and
  • EPA Form 3100-14, Volunteer Service Program Participation Agreement(1 pg, 47 K)  (Word) Free Viewer On this form, complete only the areas that call for your:
    • name,
    • citizenship information,
    • proposed arrival and termination dates, and
    • information regarding the sponsoring institution.
    You should also sign Form 3100-14 in the participant signature block. This form must be mailed to us because we require a copy with your original signature.

Your other documents should be submitted by email, fax or U.S. Postal Service to:

Ellen Chang-Vaughan (6RC-EW)
Office of Regional Counsel
U.S. EPA Region 6
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202-2733
Fax (214) 665-3177
Phone (214) 665-7328

Questions regarding this program should be addressed to Ms. Chang-Vaughan at (214) 665-7328.

View general information regarding EPA Region 6 and some of our key issues.

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Model Sponsorship Letter


Ms. Ellen Chang-Vaughan
Office of Regional Counsel
U.S. EPA Region 6 (6RC-EW)
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202-2733

Re: EPA Region 6 Summer Intern Honors Program

Dear Ms. Chang-Vaughan:

This is to inform you that [student name] is a student in good standing at [law school name] and eligible for participation in the EPA Region 6 Summer Intern Honors Program. If [student name] is accepted to the Summer Intern Honors Program the work [he/she] performs under the Program will be relevant to [his/her] educational goals in that [he/she] has a strong interest in environmental law, and the experience will complement [his/her] law studies at [law school name].  If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at [telephone number].

Sincerely yours,

[title (law professor or school official)]

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