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Science Careers at EPA

Want to help protect your environment? Improve the health of all Americans? From geology to mechanical engineering, from biology to chemistry, EPA is looking for scientists and engineers to perform cutting-edge research in a dynamic learning environment -- research that can help make this a cleaner, more sustainable planet.

On this page:

Career Opportunities

All science jobs at EPA are listed on USAJobs.gov. Job categories/occupational series include Environmental Health Scientist, Biologist, Ecologist, Environmental Engineer, Fishery Biologist, Geologist, Physiologist, Microbiologist, Toxicologist, Physical Scientist and many more. EPA also maintains a list of current job openings.

High-Level Career Opportunities (Title 42)

The Title 42 hiring authority (42 USC 209(f) and (g)) enables EPA to attract and retain internationally-known scientific experts who are world-class scientists, engineers and leaders within their specialized fields. Title 42 appointees collaborate with Agency science staff and programs. They assist at the highest levels to provide the research to support EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment.

Current Positions

No positions are currently available. When positions are available, there will be a link here to the file in USAJobs.gov describing the position and how to apply.

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Post-Doc Opportunities

Over 300 researchers have participated in EPA's post-doctoral program. The program offers:

  • appointments of up to four years,
  • state-of-the-art facilities,
  • world-class scientific expertise,
  • throughout the United States,
  • travel to professional scientific meetings, and
  • active postdoctoral trainee organizations.

Participants receive full benefits and a salary commensurate with qualifications and locality pay adjustments.

EPA Research Post-Doctoral Opportunities website

EPA was named a Best Place to Work Postdocs in 2013 by The Scientist (PDF) Exit

Other post-doctoral opportunities at EPA:

College Students / Recent Graduates

EPA Summer Opportunities

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