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How to Start Your Federal Technology Transfer Act Partnership with EPA

If you have an EPA research partner identified, follow the process below to formalize your Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA) agreement. 

  • FTTA staff: Contact us if you need help finding a partner or getting an FTTA agreement started.

The Process for Putting an FTTA Agreement in Place

  1. EPA researcher and the external partner begin drafting FTTA document(s). FTTA staff can assist where needed.
    Document templates for Federal Technology Transfer Act agreements
  2. EPA research staff discuss the proposed project with their management.
  3. EPA researchers submit draft document(s) to FTTA staff.
  4. FTTA staff and the Office of General Counsel review and comment on draft documents.
  5. The Office of General Counsel sends final concurrence via FTTA staff to the EPA lab/office.
  6. The Laboratory Director signs the agreement and sends it to the external partner.
  7. The external partner signs the agreement.
  8. The external partner returns the agreement to the FTTA staff via overnight courier. NOTE: Documents arriving via regular mail are irradiated and destroyed.