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Lead Poisoning Prevention Week - 2013

October 20 - 26, 2013

Lead Free Kids for a Healthy Future

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

This year's National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week theme, "Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future," underscores the importance of the many ways parents can reduce a child's exposure to lead and prevent its serious health effects.

Spread the Word!

Use the following to promote National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week:

Lead Week Is Going International!

Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint

Click on the map below, to find Lead Week Activities occurring in the United States and around the world! Visit the WHO website for a detailed list of events Exitor international outreach materials Exit.

Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action World Map of Activities Exit

* Please note that the map is best viewed in Firefox or Chrome.

List of Countries with Lead Week Activities (updated October 24, 2013) 
Albania Argentina Armenia Australia Bangladesh Bosnia and Herzegovina Cameroon
China Colombia Democratic Republic of the Congo France Gabon Georgia Honduras
India Indonesia Ivory Coast Jamaica Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya
Nepal Nigeria Pakistan Peru Philippines Republic of Moldova Republic of Serbia
South Africa Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Switzerland Thailand Uganda
United Kingdom United States of America          

Would you like to join EPA and the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint Exit in the week of action? Get information on the First International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action.Exit

Other Resources

Other federal agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), plan to conduct various education and awareness events for Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. For more information about Lead Poisoning Prevention Week or lead poisoning in general, contact the National Lead Information Center at 1 (800) 424-LEAD.