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EPA National Library Network Newsroom

Strategic Planning Update - May 2015

The Library Network recently completed the EPA National Library Network Strategic Plan FY 2015-2017. This plan builds upon the foundation of the FY 2012-2014 strategic plan and provides guidance for Network activities in the next three years.  The new strategic plan was developed by a collaborative workgroup of librarians and library managers from across the Network with input from the entire Library Network community.

Conference Outreach - March 2015

The EPA National Library Network will exhibit at the following conferences in 2015:

Conference outreach provides the opportunity to inform the professional library community about EPA library services, such as the publicly-available EPA National Library Catalog and interlibrary loan.  Representatives from the EPA National Library Network will be on hand to meet with library community stakeholders and discuss their environmental information needs.  The Network will also share progress on the strategic plan and continued support for the EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment.

Library Updates - March 2015

EPA libraries in Region 9 and Region 10 recently moved to newly renovated spaces. All phone numbers and email addresses associated with those libraries remain the same.  The new addresses are:

EPA Region 9 Environmental Information Center/Library
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

EPA Region 10 Library
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900, OMP-0102
Seattle, WA 98101