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Endangered Species

Endangered Species Protection Bulletins

Endangered Species Protection Bulletins are a part of EPA's Endangered Species Protection Program. Bulletins set forth geographically specific pesticide use limitations for the protection of threatened and endangered (listed) species and their designated critical habitat. 

If your pesticide label directs you to this Web site, you are required to follow the pesticide use limitation(s) found in the Bulletin for your intended application area, pesticide active ingredient or product and application month.

EPA's Bulletins contain the following information:

  • Map of the user-defined intended application area.
  • User-selected active ingredient and/or pesticide product to be applied.
  • Pesticide use limitation(s).
  • Month for which the Bulletin is valid.

Important Notes about Bulletins

  • Bulletins may be accessed up to six months before pesticide application. Be sure that you follow the correct Bulletin for the month of your pesticide application.
  • When referenced on a pesticide label, Bulletins are enforceable use limitations under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
  • The pesticide use limitations found in Bulletins Live! Two are part of EPA's federal program to protect listed species. Your state may have pesticide use limitations beyond those found in your Bulletin. Bulletins are not intended to replace or override any restrictions that your state may impose. You need to be aware of and follow pesticide use limitations in your area according to both the state AND federal requirements.

Quick Start Guide 

  1. Click the Bulletins Live! link to enter the system. 
  2. Use one of the following Internet browsers to access Bulletins Live! Two:
    1. Internet Explorer (any version later than version 9);
    2. Google Chrome;
    3. Mozilla Firefox; or
    4. Safari.
  3. Select your intended pesticide application area.
  4. Select the application month.
  5. You can further refine your search by entering the active ingredient, product name, or product registration number. The default search is for all products and active ingredients.  Once you have entered your selection, click the “Search” button.
  6. If a Pesticide Use Limitation Area (PULA) occurs within the selected area of intended pesticide application, click on the PULA to select it.  A yellow border surrounding the PULA indicates that it has been selected.  This will activate the Results Tab with the associated limitations.  If there is no PULA within your intended pesticide application area, click the “Search button” to activate the “No Limitations” dialog box.  In either case, click the “Printable Bulletin” button for a PDF version of the Bulletin which you can print or save.
  7. Follow the steps found in the Bulletin.