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July 2013

  • Celebrating Success: Syosset Landfill, Oyster Bay, New York (1 pg, 177K, About PDF)
    This fact sheet provides information on the successful cleanup and green transformation of the Syosset Landfill Site, which is now home to a new state-of-the-art compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station for use by the Town of Oyster Bay's fleet of vehicles. The 38-acre site operated as a landfill from 1933 until 1975. Site operations resulted in soil and ground water contamination, and EPA listed the site on its National Priorities List (NPL) in 1983. The cleanup efforts have successfully contained and addressed site contamination with the installation of a landfill cap, and EPA deleted the Site from the NPL in 2005. The Town received funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 through the U.S. Department of Energy Clean-Cities Alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicles Pilot Program to construct the fueling station and to convert 44 heavy-duty sanitation trucks from diesel fuel to CNG. The Town estimates that the CNG trucks will reduce the Town's petroleum usage by an estimated 264,000 gallons per year and will produce an average of 27 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than comparable gasoline or diesel models.

June 2013

  • Use of Dioxin TEFs in Calculating Dioxin TEQs at CERCLA and RCRA Sites (8 pp, 105K, About PDF)
    This fact sheet provides information on the use of the 2005 World Health Organization (WHO) dioxin toxicity equivalence factors (TEFs) to calculate dioxin toxicity equivalence (TEQ) and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites contaminated with dioxins, furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The approach provided in this fact sheet is for use at newly evaluated sites as well as for the re-evaluation of sites that have been previously remediated. The fact sheet contains background information on dioxins and dioxin-like compounds and the toxicity equivalence factors used to assess their toxicity. It also contains a "Frequently Asked Questions" section that includes sample calculations for toxicity equivalence (TEQ), among other questions addressing the use of TEFs.
  • Reuse Planning: Involving Communities in Decisions that Matter (4 minutes, 37 seconds, 22 MB)
    This video, which is about 5 minutes long, highlights how the EPA's reuse planning process involves communities in planning for the future use of Superfund sites. It includes several examples of successfully remediated and redeveloped hazardous waste sites. The reuse planning process is conducted from two main angles: the community analysis, which indicates whether there are priority land uses supported by site stakeholders, as well as any natural resources considerations; and the site analysis, which looks at contamination and remedy considerations for the site.

May 2013

  • EPA's Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Communities Program (4 pp, 781K, About PDF)
    This brochure provides an overview of the TAB program, which funds three organizations that with their extensive team of subgrantees, contractors, partners, and other network contacts provide technical assistance to communities and other stakeholders. Technical assistance provided through the TAB Program helps communities across the country increase their understanding and involvement in brownfields cleanup and revitalization and assists in moving brownfields sites forward in the process toward cleanup and reuse. This document contains contact information for all three TAB grantees, as well as a question and answer section about the TAB program.
  • Brownfields Federal Program Guide, 2013 Edition (96 pp, 3.35 MB, About PDF)
    The 2013 Brownfields Federal Programs Guide is a compendium of technical and financial assistance that is available from federal agencies for brownfields and land revitalization projects. It also includes information about assistance that is available through federal tax incentives and encourages communities to explore loans, loan guarantees, and other incentives. The 2013 Brownfields Federal Programs Guide updates the 2011 edition. Several new programs and initiatives were added, and a few were eliminated. In addition, the names of some grant programs changed, and several agencies consolidated programs or revised the descriptions of existing programs.
  • State Brownfields and Voluntary Response Programs 2013 (144 pp, 3 MB, About PDF)
    This report provides a concise, user-friendly synopsis of state brownfields and voluntary response programs, including an overview of each state's brownfields programs, the financial elements available under state programs, technical program elements from each state's brownfields programs, and program highlights from selected states.

March 2013

  • Celebrating Success: DuPage County Blackwell Forest Preserve(1 pg, 598K, About PDF)
    This site reuse spotlight highlights the collaboration between EPA and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Illinois to redevelop a former contaminated landfill site in Warrenville, Illinois. The site is now open year-round for various recreational activities, such as hiking, cross-country skiing, and fishing. It is also home to environmental educational exhibits and ecological restoration areas. The recently opened Urban Stream Research Center at the site also provides space for the study of the DuPage River watershed.

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