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National Emissions Inventory (NEI) Air Pollutant Emissions Trends Data

Current emissions trends data and the documentation of estimation methods are available, or linked from here. The latest version of the 1970 - 2014 data shows trends for Tier 1 categories. Information about the NEI is available on the NEI webpage. One of the distinct and natural occurrences in inventory development is the evolution and improvement of emission estimate methods over time. In some cases, an improved estimation method for a source category may be applied 'backwards' to previous year estimates for that same category. Any changes in the data or methodologies used to estimate the emissions for a specific time period will continue to be noted in future updates to the procedures documents.

The Related Links below offer access to more detailed criteria and toxic from the National Emissions Inventory, and greenhouse gas emissions data.

National Emissions Inventory (NEI) Air Pollutant Emissions Trends Data and Estimation Procedures
Explanation of File Formats
Criteria Pollutant Data
Current Emissions Trends Summaries from the NEI
1970 - 2014 Average annual emissions, all criteria pollutants in MS Excel - March 2015.
(XLSX 89.8KB)
PM2.5 Filterable and PM10 Filterable emissions trends for Electric Generating Utilities for 1970 to 2005 - August 2008 (XLS 28KB)
Latest Findings on National Air Quality - Status and Trends through 2006.

Includes multi-year emission trends data, and additional summaries.
(Web Site)
Previous Trends Data Report
National Air Pollutant Emission Trends:1900-1998, (March 2000) EPA 454/R-00-002. Last published National Air Pollutant Emission Trends report. The data is now included in the annual National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report. (Web Site)
Procedures Documentation
Current Methods Used to Estimate Emissions, 1985-1999 Procedures Document for National Emission Inventory, Criteria Air Pollutants 1985-1999, March 2001, EPA-454/R-01-006.
Hard copies of the report are available from NTIS. The order number is PB#2001-106825. The NTIS phone number is (800)553-6847.
(PDF 6M)
Methods Used to Estimate Emissions, 1900-1984
National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Document, Procedures Report, 1900-1996 (May 1998), EPA-454/R-98-008
(PDF 2M)
Related Sites
AIR Data Web Site
Data summaries for toxic and criteria source emissions
(Web Site)
National Emissions Inventory Data
(Web Site)
Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks:
Annual publication.
(Web Site)
Air Trends. (Web Site)

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