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BIOPLUME II, Computer Model of Two-Dimensional Contaminant Transport under the Influence of Oxygen Limited Biodegradation in Ground Water

BIOPLUME II is a simulation that computes concentrations of dissolved hydrocarbon under the influence of oxygen-limited biodegradation in an aquifer. The model solves the solute transport equation both hydrocarbon and oxygen, assumes an instantaneous reaction between oxygen and hydrocarbon, and combines the two plumes using the principle of superposition. Computations account for convection, dispersion, mixing, and biodegradation effects. Also, the program can simulate slow hydrocarbon plumes undergoing biodegradation and can simulate in situ biorestoration schemes such as the injection of oxygenated water. Moreover, the model can simulate re-aeration and anaerobic biodegradation as a first-order decay in hydrocarbon concentrations.

Version 1.1
Release Date October 1989
Development Status

General Release

Operating System DOS

Minimum System Requirements

To run BIOPLUME II, you will need the following:

  • IBM PC/AT or compatible
  • DOS version 2.0 (or later)
  • 640K of machine resident memory (RAM) - A minimum of 550K of RAM is necessary to load the model with the menu preprocessor. To check available RAM, type the command CHKDSK. If there is less memory available, the model (DRIVER.EXE) may still be loaded without the menu preprocessor. Please contact Rice University if you have any questions.
  • 80287 (or faster) math co-processor chip
  • Hard disk - It is possible to run the model using a high-density floppy drive if a hard disk is not available in your system.

General hardware includes:

  • Graphics adapter (CGA, EGA, or Hercules) - The VIEW program and the View Option in TOPO and SURF both require a graphics card (adapter). However, if you system does not have a graphics card, SURFER may still be used to generate graphics on a graphics printer or plotter (Golden Software, Inc., 1987).
  • SURFER-supported graphics printer or plotter (see Appendix D of SURFER manual).



US EPA. (1987) "BIOPLUME II, Computer Model off Two-Dimensional Contaminant Transport Under the Influence of Oxygen-Limited Biodegradation in Ground water - User's Manual, Version 1.0 (PDF)." (103 pp, 647 K, About PDF) Publication No. EPA/600/8-88/093A.