Areas of research

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    EPI documents impacts of social and economic inequality on student achievement, and suggests policies, within school and out, to narrow outcome gaps between middle class and disadvantaged students. EPI research refutes false assumptions behind politically inspired attacks on public education, teachers, and their unions.

    Federal Budget, Deficits, and Taxes

    EPI’s work on national fiscal policy analyzes deficits, revenues, and spending within the federal budget, but in the context of the overall U.S. economy. EPI believes that the federal budget is the embodiment of our nation’s priorities.


    EPI’s Health Policy Research team analyzes the U.S. health care system through the lens of low- and moderate income families’ living standards, with special attention to employer-sponsored health insurance, the burden of health costs, and disparities in access and outcomes.


    EPI proposes comprehensive immigration reform that improves wages for American workers while helping address the needs of U.S. employers during shifting labor market conditions.

    Jobs, Wages, and Living Standards

    EPI’s thorough research in this area is as critical as ever and focuses on understanding the intricacies of high unemployment, mass underemployment, and sluggish wage growth in the U.S. labor market.

    Labor Policy

    EPI’s research reflects its belief that strong unions and employees’ rights to organize foster a strong middle class, especially in times of high unemployment and overall job insecurity.

    Macroeconomic Performance

    EPI’s research on macroeconomic performance assesses how policymaking and economic institutions help or hinder efforts to insure that U.S. economy is operating at full-employment and generating growth in potential living standards as rapidly as possible.

    Public Investment

    EPI’s research shows a need for significant public investment to reverse decades of neglect to our country’s infrastructure and society. Renewed investment will create jobs and modernize the U.S. economy.

    Race and Ethnicity

    EPI’s Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy works to advance policies that ensure racial and ethnic minorities participate fully and benefit equally as workers in the American economy.


    Launched in 2011, EPI’s Regulatory Policy Research program debunks claims that regulations impede job creation and addresses attempts to roll back laws that protect the environment and guarantee worker protections.


    EPI’s retirement program examines the inequities in the current system and promotes initiatives that protect Social Security and lead to universal, secure and adequate retirement policies.

    Trade and Globalization

    EPI’s research focuses on workers and measures how they are impacted by free trade, globalization, and the depression of wages borne from international agreements and policies.