
Health is Kazakhstan's strategic priority, reflected in the Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy and National Health Action Plan (Densaulyk 2016-2019). The political commitment to health is significant, with an investment of 5% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the health sector of which 60% is allocated for primary health care. The Kazakh Ministry of Healthcare (MoH) is a regulatory body overseeing the health system functions at the national level and is responsible for developing national health strategies. Health financing revenue comes from the government budget (both national and oblast levels), Mandatory Social Health Insurance, voluntary insurance and out-of-pocket payments (official user fees and informal payments).

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Top story

New WHO data on childhood obesity in Kazakhstan: higher physical activity levels but more screen time

Relative to other countries in the WHO European Region, Kazakhstan has low levels of childhood overweight and obesity. However, recent WHO surveillance data show that these levels may be increasing, especially among boys. This new finding formed the basis of the new factsheet “Results of surveillance of childhood obesity, nutrition and physical activity 2020”, prepared by WHO and Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Health.

WHO/Europe offices

WHO Country Office, Kazakhstan
62A, Kosmonavtov street, 16th floor
"Presidential Plaza" business center
Astana Z05M0M3

WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care
303, Baizakov Street, building 1
Almaty A15G7T0

Ministry of health

Ministry of Healthcare
8, Mangilik Yel avenue
House of Ministries, Entrance 5
Astana 010000

Response to the pandemic

Latest updates page: Kazakhstan

Data and statistics


Estimated life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2019)

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