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Monday, December 14th
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Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Voucher Program

Section 8 of the USHA authorizes housing assistance to aid lower-income families. Today's notice provides FY 2016 Fair Market Rents to determine payment standards for the Housing Choice Voucher program.

Monitoring Public Water Systems and Public Meeting

EPA is proposing a Safe Drinking Water Act rule that requires public water systems to collect data for contaminants that may be present in tap water but not subject to drinking water standards. EPA is also announcing a public webinar.

Exceptional Family Member Program

This proposal establishes the Exceptional Family Member Program, prescribes procedures for identifying a family member with special needs, and coordinating travel at government expense for family of active duty Service members.

Radioactive Discharges in Ground Water at Power Plant Sites

The NRC is issuing for public comment a draft guide for use in assessing abnormal, inadvertent radioactive releases that may result in discharges of contaminated ground water to unrestricted areas at power plant sites.

Management of Non-Federal Oil and Gas Rights

The Fish and Wildlife Service are proposing to revise regulations governing the exercise of non-Federal oil and gas rights to improve our ability to protect refuge resources, visitors, and the general public's health and safety.

Child and Adult Care Food Program

This notice invites comment on this collection for estimating erroneous payments due to meals claimed improperly by family day care home providers participating in the Food Program.

Recent Blog Posts

  • Digitizing the Federal Register

    If you have ever tried to search our site for Federal Register documents published prior to 1994, you’ve realized that there is nothing online from 1936 to 1994. Then you may... Continue reading

  • Updates to PKCS7Sign tool

    Today, the General Services Administration (GSA) released updates to their PKCS7Sign tool. The tool allows federal agencies to leverage the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates on many Personal Identity Verification... Continue reading

  • 2nd Annual PKI Conference

    The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the Office of the Federal Register (OFR) hosted the 2nd Annual PKI Conference on August 25, 2015. New OFR Director Oliver Potts... Continue reading

About the Federal Register

What's in the Federal Register


This category contains non-rulemaking documents that are applicable to the general public and named parties. These documents include notices of public meetings, hearings, investigations, grants and funding, environmental impact statements, information collections, statements of organization and functions, delegations, and other announcements of public interest.

Proposed Rules

This category contains proposed regulations. These documents announce and explain agencies’ plans to solve problems and accomplish goals, and give interested persons an opportunity to submit comments to improve the final regulation. It also includes advance notices of proposed rulemaking, petitions for rulemaking, negotiated rulemakings, and various proposed determinations and interpretations.

Final Rules

This category contains regulations that apply to the general public and have final legal effect. It also includes interim final rules, direct final rules, and various determinations, interpretive rules, and policy statements. The documents cite to the Code of Federal Regulations, which contains the codified text of final rules, and is published annually in 50 titles.

Presidential Documents

This category contains documents signed by the President of the United States. Documents include Executive Orders, Proclamations, Administrative Orders, Presidential Memoranda, and other issuances of the President that are required or directed to be published in the Federal Register.

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