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FSMB and state medical boards working together to protect the public through licensure and regulation.


The Federation of State Medical Boards

Representing the 70 medical boards of the United States and its territories.

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) is a national nonprofit representing the 70 medical and osteopathic boards of the United States and its territories. Since its founding, the FSMB has grown in the range of services it provides – from assessment tools to policy documents, from credentialing to disciplinary alert services – while continuing to serve the interests of its member boards. The ultimate objective is to promote excellence in medical practice, licensure, and regulation as the national resource and voice on behalf of state medical boards in their protection of the public.


FSMB Foundation

The Federation of State Medical Boards Foundation undertakes educational and scientific research projects designed to expand public and medical professional knowledge and awareness of challenges impacting health care and health care regulation.  Learn More

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News and Publications

FSMB communications offers a wide range of tools and resources to help state medical boards as they interact with various stakeholders — from physicians to the public. Learn More