
Stanford GSB on YouTube -
May 13, 2014
In an interview with Stanford economist Renee Bowen, Rwandan President Paul Kagame discusses the nation's economic transformation in the 20 years since the 1994 genocide.
Storefront window in China
May 8, 2014
An expert on developing economies explains how a slowing Chinese economy could be good for China — and for the rest of us.
A man casting a voting ballot
April 16, 2014
A pair of sociologists finds the answer — and uncovers political subcultures in the process.
Project Syndicate -
April 4, 2014
Writing for Project Syndicate, two scholars explore the relationship between a country’s economic performance and how “functional” its government is.
A sign that announces Bitcoin is accepted
February 25, 2014
Economist Susan Athey and venture capitalist Balaji Srinivasan discuss the digital currency.
Hands holding a dish
February 21, 2014
$10 million grant program is part of the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies.
Book cover of "Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Economics I Learned From Online Dating"
January 7, 2014
In an excerpt from his new book, Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Economics I Learned From Online Dating, an economist explains why it's important to show you really mean what you say.
Debate in Sierra Leone
October 22, 2013
Research in Sierra Leone offers insights into how to help voters elect better leaders, dampen ethnic rivalries, and strengthen democracy.
A euro banknote
October 17, 2013
Market reactions to eurozone unification led to divergent labor productivity rates.
Vivek Garg and women entrepreneurs
October 9, 2013
An Indian army vet builds business relationships across battle lines in conflict-torn Kashmir and Northeast Indian villages.
A sign that announces Bitcoin is accepted
February 25, 2014
Economist Susan Athey and venture capitalist Balaji Srinivasan discuss the digital currency.
Hands holding a dish
February 21, 2014
$10 million grant program is part of the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies.
Book cover of "Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Economics I Learned From Online Dating"
January 7, 2014
In an excerpt from his new book, Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Economics I Learned From Online Dating, an economist explains why it's important to show you really mean what you say.
Vivek Garg and women entrepreneurs
October 9, 2013
An Indian army vet builds business relationships across battle lines in conflict-torn Kashmir and Northeast Indian villages.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Building
September 30, 2013
A new study explores the evidence behind the idea that people oppose immigration because they fear losing their job.
George P. Shultz
September 24, 2013
The scholar, diplomat, and businessman discusses America's role in the world.
June 18, 2013
The launch initiates on-the-ground efforts to help scale high-potential enterprises and create jobs.
Port of Oakland
May 24, 2013
A former GOP Congressman says U.S. exports have helped ease the effects of the recession.
Mitchell Elegbe, CEO of Interswitch Ltd
March 29, 2013
The for-profit sector steps up to play its role in Africa’s economic development.
A trader reacts on the IG Group
March 19, 2013
Two scholars explain what could happen next in Nicosia — and the rest of Europe.

Storefront window in China
May 8, 2014
An expert on developing economies explains how a slowing Chinese economy could be good for China — and for the rest of us.
A man casting a voting ballot
April 16, 2014
A pair of sociologists finds the answer — and uncovers political subcultures in the process.
Debate in Sierra Leone
October 22, 2013
Research in Sierra Leone offers insights into how to help voters elect better leaders, dampen ethnic rivalries, and strengthen democracy.
A euro banknote
October 17, 2013
Market reactions to eurozone unification led to divergent labor productivity rates.
Assistant Professor of Finance Francisco Pérez-González
August 9, 2013
A novel tax-reform strategy in Europe reduces subsidies for taking on debt.
March 29, 2013
A macroeconomist says that despite the risks, long-term growth patterns should make you optimistic about the future.
Guy accessing information
September 20, 2012
New research by Ilan Guttman explores how information disclosure can affect financial panics.
Anat Admati photo
March 8, 2012
A letter by Anat R. Admati and Neil M. Barofsky published by the Financial Times, March 8, 2012
Kenneth W. Shotts
October 9, 2011
Elections sometimes give policy makers incentives to pander to implement policies that voters think are in their best interest even though the policy maker knows they are not, says Professor Kenneth Shotts. In general, an effective media reduces this tendency to pander, "but there are some exceptions to this general rule."
Kenneth Singleton
September 15, 2011
The 2008 turmoil in world oil prices was not caused by an imbalance of supply and demand, argues Professor Kenneth Singleton of the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Instead there was an "economically and statistically significant effect of investor flows on futures prices."