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Jeremy I. Bulow

Jeremy I. Bulow
Professor, Economics
Contact Info
Richard A. Stepp Professor of Economics
Professor of Economics (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences
Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Academic Area: 

Research Statement

Jeremy Bulow’s research spans economics and finance and includes topics such as industrial organization, international debt, pension funds, auctions, and tobacco. Bulow has taught microeconomics as well as courses on economic aspects of contracts, competition, and markets, and environmental management and policy analysis.


Jeremy Bulow is the Richard A. Stepp Professor of Economics at Stanford Business School. He served as the Director of the Bureau of Economics of the Federal Trade Commission from 1998-2001. Bulow was co-editor of the American Economic Review from 2005-2008. His research has covered a variety of topics including pension funds, sovereign debt, auctions, and tobacco. He has served as a consultant to government agencies including the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the World Bank, the British Radiocommunications Authority, and the Federal Reserve. In the private sector, he has consulted to companies in oil, telecoms, credit cards, software, and internet search. Bulow is a fellow of the Econometric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979
  • MA, Yale University, 1975
  • BA, Yale University, 1975

Academic Appointments

  • Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1979-present
  • Visiting Research Fellow, World Bank, 1991
  • Research Fellow, Center for the Study of the Economy and the State, University of Chicago, 1985
  • Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1984-1986
  • National Fellow, Hoover Institution, 1982-1983
  • Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1979-Present
  • National Science Foundation Fellow, 1975-1978


Journal Articles

Jeremy I. Bulow, Paul Klemperer. The Economic Journal. August 2015, Vol. 125, Issue 586, Pages F131-F157.
Jeremy I. Bulow. Milken Institute Review. 2006, Vol. Fourth Quarter.
Jeremy I. Bulow, John B. Shoven. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2005, Vol. 19, Issue 4, Pages 115-134.
Jeremy I. Bulow, Paul Klemperer. American Economic Review. 1999, Vol. 89, Issue 1, Pages 175-189.
Jeremy I. Bulow, Ming Huang, Paul Klemperer. Journal of Political Economy. 1999, Vol. 107, Issue 3, Pages 427-454.
Jeremy I. Bulow, Paul Klemperer. American Economic Review. 1996, Vol. 86, Issue 1, Pages 180-194.
Jeremy I. Bulow, Lawrence H. Summers. Journal of Political Economy. 1984, Vol. 92, Issue 1, Pages 20-39.

Courses Taught

Degree Courses


This course discusses the financial crisis of 2008-9, developments since that time, and the future of finance. We consider how regulation, technology, and the changing world economy will create challenges and opportunities. We have guest speakers...


This course discusses the financial crisis of 2008-9, developments since that time, and the future of finance. We consider how regulation, technology, and the changing world economy will create challenges and opportunities. We have guest speakers...


This class will focus on the evolution of the financial crisis and the implications for the future of financial markets and the economy. Part of the course will concern the history of the financial crisis, from 2008-12, including policy responses...

This course will be a first quarter PhD course in microeconomic theory, aimed at PhD students who do not plan to become professional economists. Relative to a course geared to economics PhDs the class will differ in two important ways. First,...

Stanford University Affiliations

Greater Stanford University

  • National Fellow, Hoover Institution

Service to the Profession

  • Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research
  • Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • Fellow, Econometric Society
  • National Fellow, Hoover Institution
  • Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Fellow, National Science Foundation

In the Media

Wall Street Journal , April 16, 2015
Financial Times, August 29, 2013
The Undercover Economist, Financial Times Weekend Magazine, July 3, 2006
A Simple Way to Value Stock Options
Financial Times, May 2, 2004
The Economist, July 27, 2002
Survey-Mastering Strategy 7: Strategic Complements and Substitutes
Financial Times, December 8, 1999
New York Times, September 15, 1999

Insights by Stanford Business

May 22, 2014
A Stanford economist and his colleague at Oxford propose a new strategy to reduce the risk of taxpayer-funded bailouts.
January 1, 2007
An economist examines what went wrong in the landmark 1998 tobacco settlement.
July 1, 2004
A scholar parses recent proposals for financial reporting of stock option expenses, and offers a solution that reflects economic realities.
August 1, 2002
Production factors and local regulations — not political conspiracies — cause price fluctuations at the pump.
November 1, 2000
In the last 25 years, many if not most significant innovations in economics have been driven by this methodological innovation.

School News

June 4, 2012
Stanford GSB students recognize Dirk Jenter, Charles Lee, and Jeremy Bulow for their passionate teaching of challenging subjects.