Stanford GSB researchers are looking for participants willing to take part in organizational and marketing studies.
You may participate either in-person in our lab or online on your home computer. Studies typically include cash or gift card payments averaging $20 an hour. None of our studies involves physical exertion or medical procedures.
Stanford Community Members
If you have a email address, you may register on Sona Systems. On the site, you will be able to view available studies and the compensation amounts before signing up.
All Other Participants
If you do not have a email address, we offer the following ways to participate in our research:
- Sona Systems National Participant Pool: On the site, you will be able to view available studies and the compensation amounts. The studies in this pool are completely online.
- Mechanical Turk (MTurk): MTurk, which is run by Amazon, hires participants to complete tasks for compensation. There is no way to specifically search for Stanford studies on MTurk.
- Survey Sampling International (SSI): SSI hires individuals to take surveys for compensation. There is no way to specifically search for Stanford studies on the SSI site.
- Sona Community Pool: Bay Area members (i.e., not a Stanford affiliate), you can view availability and compensation amounts for online and in-lab studies.